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Waco, Texas February 6th 1867

His Excellency
The Governor of Texas
Hon JW Throckmorton
Austin City Texas

Sir, Your letter of 31st Jany 1867 to Judge Harrison is before me, also copy of Mannings letter to Genl Kiddoo bearing date Jany 20 1867 in relation to the murder of a Freedman in this county last fall, also Mannings letter of same date to Gen Kiddoo in relation to the arrest confinement &c of Dr Bell, J.L. McCrary and Dr Irving.

I have conferred freely with Maj. Manning in relation to these matters but as yet I have received nothing definite from him on the subject. I copied his letters to Gen Kiddoo, and in my official capacity as District Attorney of this district notified and requested him to lay before me the evidences of an attempt which he said "was made by a mob of citizens to recover them". (J.C. McCrary and Dr Bell) from the jail of McLennan County in which he had placed them. I also stated in my communication to him that I desired the evidence (if he had any such in his possession) in order that I might bring the parties offending to justice and punishment. This communication I handed him in person on the 4th inst but as yet have received no reply. Maj. Manning had not the remotest grounds even to apprehend that a mob of citizens would be raised to recover those parties, much less any foundation in

Transcription Notes:
need review for names