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trial; we arrived there Thirty minutes after the said Buroughs Senr, had been released from custody, we then proceeded to the house of said Buroughs, my intention was to rearrest him; but he had not come home and was not to be found; I did not think myself justified to follow him up after having been fairly tried and discharged by civil authority.

On March 12th Lieut [[Martheni?]] and Squad left this place for Waco:
Since then I have been alone twice to the place of Said Buroughs, and learned from the neighbors that he has not returned at any time to his house, on last information Buroughs was in Palestine Anderson County Texas. I have had one man employed to discover the murderers but as yet have not succeeded in obtaining any information of them.

I am Sir, Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
Fred W. Reinhard 
S.A.C. B.R.F & A.L.