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Office Sub Asst. Com'r
Bu. R. F. & A. L. State of Texas
Sterling. May 11th, 1867.

John Scott Esq.,
Galveston, Texas.

Sir: Your communication of the 18th ultimo was duly received. Mr. Sloan's papers will be duly attended to. I have seen him twice since receiving them but not under circumstances favorable to complete the papers. We have several schools in process of organizing. I have heretofore been prevented from attending to these matters as I would like for want of transportation. I have now bought me a horse & can now go when I like. Have the kindness to send me blank vouchers for teachers pay.

Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
J.L. Randall
Sub. Asst. Com'r.

Transcription Notes:
missing a few lines