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of fellows are in front of my office cursing the Government, its flag and its friends.
You might as well donate ten cents to the suffering poor of the citys of London and New York and say to them all "go and want no more." as to send twelve Colored men here and say to the three or four loyal white citizens and all the freedmen of this section of the Country; "you shall be protected." Genl", as an old 3rd Michigan boy, and as a loyal citizen; in the name of humanity and for the vindication of insulted law and Justice I ask you if possible to comply immediately with the following request:
Please, either mount the detail already made and send reinforcements; or else revoke Special Order No. 158. and send an Equal nomber of mounted white men.
If you can do neither at present then please send me a small detail of Cavalry for a few days to Enable me to make a few important arrests