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G.L. Logan, Esq.
Sheriff of Robertson Co. Texas, 


You are hereby ordered to immediately arrest using such additional force as may be necessary, one James Reagan, charged with shooting Fayette Clark, f.m. on the 23d of June 1867, and the said James Reagan safely & securely keep until the release ordered by an authorized officer of the U.S. Government. - all decisions & orders of the civil authorities to the contrary not withstanding.  Immediately notify me of the arrest.

Hereof fail not under a penalty of $1000.00, if found deliquent in the performance of the same.

By order of
J.L. Randall
Sub- Asst. Comr. B.R.F. and A.L."

Yesterday I went to Owensville and found that James Reagan had not given himself up to the Sheriff & that no examination had taken place: that Reagan was in Owensville when my order arrived, but got word before the Sheriff could execute it. (?)

M.L. Cooksey, Esq., Atty for Reagan & also for Milstead mentioned in another statement, called upon me & says that he will produce them if assured that they will have a fair trial.  I talked as easily as possible about the matter & referred him to the civil authorities, stating that they must be fairly & impartially tried.

I assured that justice will be done, those men will not be arrested or tried, but if they can twist the evidence & procure false testimony without too much cost & go through a trial & be acquitted they will be ready at short notice.)

I have not forwarded a copy of the above to the nearest Post-Commander.

Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
J.L. Randall, S.A.C. B.R.F. &c