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pleasure & went to get the books: but, unfortunately could not find them. Dr. Mitchell went to her assistance. While Mrs. M. was calling to the servants to look here & there, & searching the house, the Dr was very quietly engaged at something in the South room. I was then setting upon the verandah, & the Freedman upon the steps of the same, Brandon touched my arm & said "I have them, they are making up an account against me." In about an hour the books were produced & turning to Brandon's account I noticed that the ink did not appear dry at the end of the accounts. The book had been kept very loosely, a large number of leaves having been torn out & the charges were frequently interlined.

The first charge against Brandon was for $14.00. It was interlined at the head of the account & bore date of Dec 24/65 the day before Brandon's last year's contract commenced. Mrs. Mitchell said it was advance pay for the year 1866 & Brandon stubbornly declared it was back pay for picking cotton. I believe Brandon admitted all the charges down to May "66 when he was charged with 8 days last time. It appears that Brandon left the plantation about this time, because he was not allowed to keep & own pigs which it was promised he could do. Brandon was brought back by Lt. McClermot & with two other Freedmen Brandon was strung up by the thumbs upon a tree in front Mrs Mitchell's house. It is said that Mrs. Mitchell struck one of the Freedmen while hanging by the thumbs with the palm of her hand & told the Freedmen standing near that she would have them all strung up in like manner if they did not fulfill their contracts. Lt. McClermot put an indorsement upon the margin of Brandon's account stating that the account was cancelled up to that date. There was some lost time charged which Brandon admitted & some lost time charged which he denied & could prove it

Transcription Notes:
2.9.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review