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with attempting a rape, on a white girl. and is quietly turned over from the custody of the law into the hands of Mr Howard is proof to demonstration that the people of Bosque County are not only not prejudiced against the freedman, but are willing to see justice meted out, through the regular channels.
It is time that the action of Mr Howard has [[?]] a prejudice against him among the people when he is on duty. This is but natural: and they look to you with great confidence to see, that matters are harmonized and simple justice done not to the Freedmen along, but to the white also, and that the law is upheld.
Will you excuse me sir for against calling your honest attentions to this matter.
If you can find it consistent with your sense of duty, I would ask that you relieve Mr Philip Howard, and if you cannot replace him with a citizen of the county, among whom I can confidently say you will find many faithful, honest, and capable. The to replace him by some interchange with another agent to whom the people will have more confidence than they do in Mr Howard.