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Sheet #2

Purchase made by Paris, France during 1903
Bought of Dikran K. Kelekian June 19. 1903
6 pieces of Pottery, as follows:-

Mr Freer's No. 1225 - - -  7000 francs $ 1415.00 [[checkmark]]
1226 - - - 7000 francs = 1.415.00 [[checkmark]]
1227 - - - 1000 francs = 215.00 [[checkmark]]
1228 - - - 3000 francs = 615.00 [[checkmark]]
1234 - - - '300 francs = 75.00 [[checkmark]]
1238 - - - Gift from Mr Kelekian [[checkmark]]

18800 francs ~ $ 2,835.00 [[checkmark]]

Bought of private Dealer, through Mr. D.L. Kelekian on June 19. 1903
7 pieces of Pottery, as follows:-

Mr Freer's No. 1229 1230 } - - -  1200 francs = $ 175.00 100.00 [[checkmark]]
1233  - - - 400 francs = 100.00 [[checkmark]]
1235 1237 1239 1240 } - - - 1300 francs = 20.00 50.0 100.00 [[checkmark]]

2900 francs 645.00 [[checkmark]]

Bought of the same private Dealer through Mr Kelekian, on June 20/03
2 pieces of Pottery as follows:-
Mr Freer's No. 1231 - - -  300 francs = 75.00 [[checkmark]]
1232 - - -  200 francs = 50.00 [[checkmark]]
500 francs $ 125.00 [[checkmark]]

$ 4.605.00

All prices hereon include freight to Detroit, Duty &c.