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2 #33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, April 26th, 1904. Personal. Charles F. McKim, Esq., C/o McKim, Mead & White, #160 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Dear Sir:- On my return from a few days absence this morning, I found your letter of the 20th instant, and have immediately written to the Hon. James T. McCleary, Chairman, and to Hon. S. W. McCall, who is interested in the passage of the bill now before the House of Representatives, for the incorporation of the American Academy in Rome. I have also written to Hon. Alfred Lucking, member of Congress from the first district of Michigan. Mr. Lucking happens to be a personal friend of mine, and, although a new member in Congress, is a man of considerable influence. I have urged him to do what he can to aid in the good work, and I feel confident that we can depend upon his support. Yours very sincerely, Charles L. Freer