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#915 Union Trust Building
Detroit, Mich., May 19th, 1904.

_lsey C. Ives, Esq.,
Chief, Dep't of Art, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.

Dear Sir:-

I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant, relative to insurance on the pastels sent you by Mr. Freer.

Mr. Freer did not insure the pictures, and no valuations were shown on the list, for the reason that the Fair's Art Bldg., being absolutely fireproof, Mr. Freer did not deem it necessary to insure the pictures, nor was any insurance placed on them for transportation purposes.

With some mail matter, which I am sending Mr. Freer today, I will enclose your letter for his pleasure in the matter of insurance.

Yours very truly,
Jan Kennedy