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C. L. F. - 2 -

am sending him a draft in payment therefor.

We have sold the yacht to young Mr. Leyden Ford for $5,500.00, cash, and the papers were passed on Tuesday last. Mr. A. L. Stephens seemed anxious to have the yacht, and would have taken her, had Mr. Ford concluded he did not wish to purchase. The money received therefor, increased Colonel Hecker's balance in the State Bank to such an amount, as to allow his paying back Hecker & Freer the amount of the loan. The payment of the loan was advised by Colonel Hecker, in a letter written at the Waldorf on the eve of his departure for the Isthmus last Tuesday. He was pleased with the disposal of the yacht.

The 3rd Liquidating Dividend has been paid by the Sea and Lake Insurance Company, the amount being $15.00 per share, making thus far paid, $65.00 per share. The regular quarterly dividend on the American Radiator Preferred Stock, has been received. The cash balances today are -

In State Bank, | $10,722.00
" Guaranty Trust Company,(Perl) | 4,550.00
" M - - L - -, | 1,391.00 Total, $16,663.00

None of your drafts have yet been presented for payment.

William is getting along nicely, having left the Hospital last Sunday, and will be at the office in good trim the first of the week. Henry comes in every day, as usual. Everything is all right here and at the house.

The weather, for a week or more, has been raw and the sky overcast, and Spring is very backward.

Trusting you keep well, as all are here, believe me,

Very respectfully,
Jan Kennedy