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her, written on June 6th, acknowledging its receipt.
I also wired Mr. Matsuki, as requested. Telegrams pertaining to which, you will find enclosed herewith.
A few of your drafts have been received by the State Savings Bank, and the Bank has charged the amounts thereof to your account, and is holding the drafts until after your return, when we can adjust them.
I have a letter from Obach Co., written on May 27th, acknowledging the receipt of the draft for five thousand pounds. 
The four carved panels arrived from Boston in good condition day before yesterday, receipt of which I have acknowledged.
A piece of pottery was received yesterday from Long Sang Ti & Co., together with a letter from them, stating that you bought the piece before you left, to be delivered in about five weeks.
Not having heard anything from Mr. Dikran G. Kelekian relative to the photograph, I fancy his brother was mistaken in his supposition as to the jar, and that the photograph sent is the right one.
Keegan, the butler, informed me yesterday that he desired to leave on the 15th of this month. He intends to go to Canada for a while, and if things do not look favorable to him there, he will go to the Old Country. he doesn't seem to have any position in