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#915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan,
June 16th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Freer:--

A few minutes ago, I received your telegram, stating that you would not leave New York until to-morrow afternoon, by four o'clock train. I have informed Stephen of this fact.

Enclosed herewith, you will find the following letters:--
No. 48 postmarked Goshen, Ind.,
49 postmarked St. Louis,
50 from Burrelle, N. Y.

There have been numerous enquiries for you, presumably from the newspaper fraternity, but I have told all at the office here and at the house to know nothing of your movements or as to when you will return home.

Everything quiet to-day.

Yours truly,
Jim Kennedy

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
Care, Waldorf Astoria Hotel,
New York City.

As advised in my telegram to you this morning, Keegan left the house before noon.
Jim K.