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Detroit, Michigan,
April 26th, 1904.

Hon. Alfred Lucking,
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Sir:--

A bill for the incorporation of the American Academy in Rome, by act of Congress, has passed the Senate, and has been introduced in the House of Representatives, where it now rests in charge of the Committee on Library, of which the Hon. J. T. McCleary is Chairman.

It is of great importance that the bill should pass at the present session of Congress, in order that the Academy may be enabled to avail itself of an opportunity that is offered to purchase a permanent home in Rome.

I am one of the incorporators of the Academy, and am deeply interested in its welfare.  If you can consistently do so, may I ask your kind influence for the passage of the bill, and if you can say a good word in its behalf to the Hon. J. T. McCleary, Chairman of the Committee, and to the Hon. S. W. McCall, who is interested in the measure, I will consider it a personal favor.

Thanking you in advance, I remain, dear Mr. Lucking,

Yours very respectfully,

Charles L. Freer