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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 18th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Mayer:--

My homeward journey proved to be a rather disagreeable one. The second day spent at sea proved quite stormy, the third one very rough, and the fourth one still worse, so all of the passengers were very glad when the voyage was ended.

Upon arrival in New York, I met Mr. Canfield, and, in talking with him about Mr. Whistler's lithographs, I discovered that his collection does not contain impressions of the "Count Robert". I told him that you had, I thought, three different states of the two stones, one by Mr. Whistler, and the other by Mrs. Whistler. He seemed much interested, and I volunteered to write and enquire if the prints are still in your possession. If they are, I wish you would kindly send them to my address as above, together with a separate bill for the same: and I now repeat that Mr. Canfield would like one impression of each of the states of the two stones.

I reached home this morning, and am hurrying off this hasty line, hoping it will get to you before the prints are sold. 

Will write you more fully next week.

With kind regards,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Gustav Mayor, Esq.,
Obach & Co., 