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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 20th, 1904.

Alexander Reid, Esq.,
Le Societe Des Beaux-Arts,
#117 & 121 West George Street,

Dear Sir:--

I returned to Detroit on Saturday last, and this morning's mail brings me your good letter of June 10th. Let me thank you for writing me so promptly.

I feel that I ought to have the Whistler letters, and have decided to accept your offer of $100 for the lot. Herewith enclosed, you will find draft on London payable to your order for that sum.

Be good enough to forward the letters by registered mail at your earliest convenience, addressing them to me at No. 33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Trusting that you keep well, and hoping to see you in America at some future time, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer