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#915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
June 27th, 1904.

D. J. R. Ushikubo, Esq., 
C/o Yamanaka & Co., 
#254 Fifth Avenue, 
New York City.

My dear Sir:--
Enclosed herewith, please find draft on New York, payable to the order of your firm for $2,685.00, in settlement of your invoice of June 24th, which, I believe, balances our account to date. Please receipt voucher and return same at your earliest convenience.
Referring to the matter of business discussed with you at the time of our last meeting, I am wondering if it would be convenient for you to come to Detroit on Saturday next, July 2nd, or if the following Monday, that is, July 4th, would suit you better, I would be glad to see you at that time. By this, I mean, it will be very agreeable for me to see you here any time between Saturday morning, the 2nd, and Tuesday morning, the 5th. Come on whichever day will suit your convenience, and I will be pleased. 
Profesor Fenollosa is expected to reach here on Sunday