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April 27, '04.

Dear Col. Hecker:-

Your telegram of this morning came duly, and we are all pleased to know of your safe arrival in New York and that your trip proved to be a comfortable one.

The missing mail mentioned in your telegram contained very little of importance; that forwarded by Mr. Kennedy included a letter from Mr. Everett and one or two other items about which Mr. Kennedy has already written you.

I sent you a personal letter which dealt largely with the result of several conversations had with Donaldson about the repairs to your mausoleum. The principal item mentioned was a statement to the effort that Mr. Donaldson would make a trip to Cleveland and look into the concrete roof made by the Brown Hoisting Machinery Company. Mr. Donaldson has not yet visited Cleveland, but he has gathered a lot of information on the subject, including letters from the Brown Hoisting Company, their printed matter on the subject and also the publication named in your letter to Donaldson on the subject. After my return from the East yesterday morning, Mr. Donaldson asked me to go out to the Cemetery with him early this morning, which I agreed to do, and, in fact, have only this moment returned from the visit. Mr. Donaldson will