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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 1st, 1904.

Dear Rice:--

I wrote you a few days ago, after my return from England, addressing my letter to Williamstown. Mrs. Rice has just sent me a letter, telling me of your present whereabouts, and informing me that my letter had been forwarded to you.

Let me suggest that when you reach London, you call upon Dunthorne at the Rembrandt Gallery, #5 Vigo Street, and he can then, doubtless, show you impressions of such lithographs by Mr. Whistler as are still obtainable. From time to time, impressions of some of the stones printed by Way under Mr. Whistler's own supervision may be found, but I fancy very few indeed. Those in the Dunthorne exhibition are beautiful impressions printed since Mr. Whistler's death, and, of course, lack the artist's pencil signature. However, I found the impressions extremely satisfactory, but, of course, the prices are much higher than they were. Still, whether you feel inclined to make any purchases or not, I think it will interest you very much to see specimens of the ones above mentioned.

Mrs. Rice tells me that you are accompanied on your travels by your son, and I fancy you are having a beautiful time together.

Mrs. Rice also told me that you had been suffering from

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