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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 27th, 1904

E. A. Hauss, Esq.,
Treasurer, Alger-Sullivan Lumber Co.,
Century, Fla.

My dear Ed:--
Your thoughtful and kind letter of the 23rd instant, containing a copy of your monthly statement, reached me here this morning.
I have examined the same with much [[interest?]] and have drawn therefrom an intelligent resume for your business for the periods mentioned.
I fully understand your motive in sending the reports to me, as I have been in the habit of looking them over monthly with Col. Hecker. You will pardon me, however, for suggesting that, in the future, I think it would be wiser if you would continue sending your reports to the Colonel, as heretofore. It is his intention to establish an office in Washington, and I am quite sure, without having spoken with him on the matter, that he would like you to send him the usual information to his Washington office. He is now en route to New York from Panama, and will probably be in