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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 1st, 1904.

My dear Mr. Ives:--

I returned to Detroit this morning from a ten days absence, and hasten to acknowledge the receipt of your good letter of July 26th and to thank you for your decision to not allow the installation of the bronzes alluded to for exhibition in Gallery No. 21. I have no doubt the pieces of bronze are interesting, and, perhaps, unusually interesting, but even so, I feel they should not be shown in the little room to which we have given so much care and thought. 

Thank you for your suggestions about my visit to St. Louis. I shall defer going until the latter part of September or early in October, and I shall be glad to let you know in advance of my coming, as it will be a real pleasure to look through the Art Department with you. 

With best regards and all good wishes, I remain, 
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Halsey C. Ives, Esq.,
St. Louis.