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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit Michigan,
August 9th, 1904.

Hon Leslie M. Shaw,
Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:-- 
On July 1st, 1904 I made entry at the Custom House, Detroit, under I.T.43369 from New York, of three cases from S. Bing, Paris, containing decorated earthenware, value 304 Francs, $59.00 at 15% duty $8.85. The cases were marked (F.R) [[above: (S.B)]] numbers 936 to 938.
The value as stated in the Consular Invoice, covered the following items, which were short-shipped, namely: 1 Plate, 30 France; 1 Bowl, 5 Francs; 1 Vase, 55 France; Emballage, 5 Francs; Total 95 Francs.
On July 8th, 1904, under I.T. #221 there arrived, the above short-shipped itemn, accompanied by a pro-forma invoice of above amount (95 Francs), on which I paid duty on $18.00 at 60%, $10.80.
In view of my above representation, liquidation of the entry was suspended to enable me to forward to you my respectful request, that the Collector at this port be authorized to make the liquidation of the above entries, in accordance with the facts stated, and to refund to me the excess duties paid, viz: $10.80.
Yours respectfully, 
Charles L Freer