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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 10th, 1904.

My dear Mr. Eyre:--

I have your good letter of the 6th instant, also your memorandum of expenses, which came under separate cover.

Your short stay here was very enjoyable to me, and I only regret that could not have been longer.

Your generous way of treating the business side of the visit is entirely characteristic, and I fully understand there is no use of placing my "determination" in opposition. However, I expected, of course, that your memorandum of expenses would include your usual charge for daily service rendered outside of your office. I shall make no effort to thwart your wishes, but I hope sometime to find a way to reciprocate your goodness. Please find enclosed herewith a draft on New York equalling the amount of your invoice. 

By the way, I very much fear that the present very stringent rules of the Fire Department will prevent the use of shingles on the roofs of the proposed additions. At the time of building my house, I had considerable difficulty to get the commissioners to permit the use of shingles, but as my location was