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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 19th, 1904.

Messrs. Obach & Company,
#168 New Bond Street,

Your letter of the 10th instant is received, along with the consumer invoice covering the panel and three pairs of decorated shutters belonging to the Peacock Room.
I note the valuation, insurance, etc., and thank you for the thoughtful attention you have given to the matter.
Now, regarding the remaining portion of the woodwork, please ship it via Southampton on September 10th, as suggested in your letter, or via any other route which may offer you better facilities, as mentioned in my recent letter to you on this subject.
Consular invoice for the woodwork should be made separate from the other parts and described as "Woodwork, painted by J. McNeill Whistler, an American artist, recently deceased. The value of the parts which are of wood may be entered in the consular invoice at £300. The actual amount in really immaterial because it will be admitted free of custom duties.