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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
September 6th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Eyre:--

Your good letter of the 1st instant, also the preliminary plans and beautiful coloured sketch of the exterior, are received. You have worked out the plans most successfully. Let me congratulate you. It seems to me that the external appearance will be extremely satisfactory, and I feel that in the interior, excepting a few minor details, you have obtained practically everything I desire. In a few days, I will return the colour sketch and will also send back the blueprint with notations and suggestions for your guidance. 

I feel that we should order the stone as early as convenient so that it may be gathered from the quarries before the cold weather sets in. I am told that all of the quarries from which we originally drew our supply have been purchased by the North River Blue Stone Company, which is controlled by Mr. Samuel D. Coykendall of Kingston, N. Y. His postoffice address, however, is Rondout Post-office, Ulster County, N. Y., and I fancy it would be wise for you to communicate with him. I presume he has an office in New York, but, if so, I am without the address. 

You will recall that the long, narrow pieces used