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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
September 6th, 1904.

My dear Miss. Palmer:--
This morning's mail brings me a clipping from the New York Tribune, and for which I must be obligated to you. Let me thank you for your kindness. 

Mr. Bloor's letter is very interesting, and I am glad that through his thoughtfulness the public has been given a slight peep at the affectionate side of Mr. Whistler's character. Of course, a great deal more might be said in this direction, and it is only natural to expect that as time goes on more truth of this sort will be made public.  the gentler side of Mr. Whistler's character seems to have been practically unknown to the many writers who have thus far busied themselves in a stumbling way with his work and life. So many false impressions have been,and still are,being scattered. But perhaps all this is well, for, eventually, someone properly qualified and thoroughly acquainted with the real man will probably correct earlier mistakes and misstatements. 

With renewed thanks for your kindness, 
Yours very respectfully, 
Charles L. Freer

Miss. Emma W. Palmer,
Stonington, Conn.