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used for opening flat windows in roofs is, nine times out of the, out of order. The profanity heard in the average studio arranged with sliding roof windows is shocking. And I must not forget my hereafter! If this suggestion is impracticable, perhaps we could extend a roof window opening out of the center room in the north wall of the picture gallery high enough up to prevent interference with
the picture line, say about eight feet above the floor. I think the wall as it now is would permit the introduction of such a window.

Doors and Windows.
I think the sliding doors in the stable
had better be preserved, but, in addition, use outside grated iron bars. The object of maintaining the present wooden sliding doors is to keep the passage way free of snow and to shut out the dust and dirt which would blow through from the alley.

The two windows in the unpacking room can be left as they are, but provide for fire protection iron inside shutters.

The present door in north wall leading from storage room to alley should be closed, but the small square window, high up in the same wall, should be left for ventilation. Provide for the small window iron shutters to be opened and closed on the inside.

In the south wall of the storage room leave the present door and small window as the are, but provide both with inside iron shutters.

In the hall leading to the Blue Room, a window is shown on lower floor opening on the alley at the north. Close this, as indicated in red pencil, and substitute a small round circular window for ventilation, providing for the same and outside iron screen and inside iron shutter. I change the nature of this window, because it would be an easy one for burglars