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Transcription: [00:04:40]
{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
that has wasted the almost entire earth with that greed. Whatever.

We've got to deal in a veritable sense with that movement that keeps saying over and over again in as many ways I can say it,

as beautiful as I can say it, and sometimes, as harshly as I can say it, also too.

{SPEAKER name="Wanda Coleman"}
What do you think are some of the most important lessons to be learned from our experience in the Sixties?

In the Civil Rights Movement? And the weighing of that movement?

{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
Well, I think we've all done long analysis of the Sixties,

and Seventies, and many of us have understood that

almost from the very beginning there was infiltration in organizations.

There were people put out there who were

substitutes for you, um, for all of us, you know?

People who looked like you and talked like you.

They was real, what you find out from getting your papers in this country,

is that they was real, that people, where other countries were at war with you.

A lot of people didn't know that.

They assumed that the country was not at war.

But the country was actually at war, and was doing battle. Real battle. I mean,

{SPEAKER name="Nancy Shiffrin"}
It's like a Civil War?

{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
CIA battle.

I mean, all the way from infiltrators and people who would come and

{SPEAKER name="Nancy Shiffrin"}
Agent Provocateurs

{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
Agent Provocateurs

all the way from banning people, whiteballing people,

I mean, all the - you name it.

Killing season. Real assassinations that happened.

And the country's still at war.

What happened to the liberation, the gay liberation movement in this country

was AIDS, and that was on purpose.

I mean that was literally dropped on, on people, you see.

Um, and what we have is, is warfare

from germ warfare, to all kinds of warfare going on,

because legally, crazy people at the helm, at this particular point,

and you know, how do you control people who got, have progressive ideas.

I'm talking about particularly in cities, city councils, you know in San Francisco

and talk about
{SPEAKER name="Nancy Shiffrin"}
I'm reminded of Tuskegee

{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
Oh yeah, oh yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Nancy Shiffrin"}
I'm reminded of Tuskegee.

{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
That's right, you know.

They discovered penicillin, and they did not, did not, did not
