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Transcription: [[Loud noises and talking are heard throughout tape]]
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
--her name has left me. I can't remember.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Used to see her every time she come. [[Laughs]]
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Was she a Blues singer?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Was she a Blues singer?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Yeah, she, uh, use to be at Forty-seventh and South Park.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
It's, um, with [[??]], you can't drive it now, but uh at, at that time, it was named South-- South Park-- Forty-seven South Park.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
And any time she would be playing-- I think her first was Mamie, but I don't know, maybe it wasn't now; cant even remember. It was so long--
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
That's-- That's alright. Now tell me, did you go to the movies a lot when you were in Chicago?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Quite a bit.
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
What was it like?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
It was good, it was good. We-- We uh,-- In Chicago, we, we more or less, had our own theaters. We didn't have to sit back,
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
you know, in our place. We sat anywhere we wanted to.
[[All laugh]]
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
We didn't go to the movies too much, with, uh, mixed groups, you know,
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
'cause, you know, West Chicago is quite a bit different, but not too, not as much as people would be expect,
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
because when they want to get rid of us, they build their own whatever. Like they had that, um,-- Well, I could say if I had money,
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I could go; my money would let me go. But what they would do is, they would um, uh--
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
put up a private sign that this was a private club or something,
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
so that no one could go in except members, so they kept us out of those kinds of places.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
but otherwise, it was about the same, same difference like, like, like in this year, now.
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Mhm. And in, in, in Chicago, before you went to Chicago, um, you, you were still in Cant-- Canton?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Yeah. I left Canton and went to Chicago; left Canton and went to Chicago in '42.
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Do you remember why you left Chicago?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
My, well, my husband was a World War I Veteran, and I was married to him; he was quite older than I was. [[Laughs]]
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
But uh, he was uh, a World War I Veteran who couldn't get, get a job.
Transcription Notes:
We insert the names of Interviewers and Interviewee as listed above.