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Transcription: [[Noises and background talking throughout the tape]]

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
-- later before we could do that, or had those.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Right, those were--

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
--Do you remember any of the movies that they were showing in the church?
Were they-- you said your brother went?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I didn't go to too many movies back then. I remember going to the movies in the 30s,

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
but that was down in the little town.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Mm huh.
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Mm huh. Can you tell us what that was like?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I was lookin' on this movie here and I don't remember Blacks too much being in the movies; playin our parts.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I called it "market parts." You know, like playin' like a dog or somethin' like that.
[[loud background noise]]

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I don't remember really being cast in those movies.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
It might have been, but I don't remember seeing them.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Uh huh.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
All I remember seeing was white playing in them.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I never remember a scene. No blacks either,

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
till. Well, when [[inaudible]] first came out, we didn't have too many blacks.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I'm from New York. Can y'all remember when TV first came out?

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Yeah, sure.

[[Cross talk]]

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
You do?

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
50! 1950. We didn't know that early.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
We couldn't afford to buy a television set.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Well, sometimes they had them in bars then. Not too many families had them.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Yeah. I think we had a TV in 1950. And in 1958 four; three or four of 'em.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I remember we had a TV. I was staying with my niece.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
They were younger. They had a TV.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
You kept saying before that you went into the small town? Was that Canton, to see the movies?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Would you tell us a little more about that theatre?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Uh, it was a theatre owned, I guess, naturally all of um

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
were owned by white folks at that time. There wasn't no black owning no TV, I heard.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I heard somebody say a while ago that someone said that TV's-- that a lot of TV's was owned by black, and that was kinda news to me.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
But I think they was sayin' 'bout Blacks now; here.