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Transcription: [[Loud talking and noises in background throughout tape]]


{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
--here. They're owned by black-haired Jacks.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Cause in Canton, I don't really think, I don't know, I can't just tell what happened up there now.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
But back then we could call it a [[fool's gold mess?]], you know.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
We had a few people in the area who had their own homes and

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
their little money. But, they was-- I don't think they would've been allowed to try to get a theatre back then,

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
but anyways. I'm satisfied with today.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
cause it was [[inaudible]]. I think we only had one TV, uh, theater at that time.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I don't know what they have up there now cause I don't go up there enough to really know what's going on.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Whatever, the town had grown so much that I wouldn't be surprised if they probably have two or three theaters up there now.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Was is a nice theatre?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Um hm.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Was it a very comfortable theatre?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Yeah, it was comfortable. It was comfortable. I think they have some place we could drink water as colored folks.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
You know, we had our own little fountain, if we had one.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
And actually we wasn't allowed to drink out of the fountain where the whites drinked out of.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
And you sat in a special area of the theater?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Oh yeah, yeah. You didn't sit where you wanted. You sit in the corner. You know.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I was one of the ones I remember that got on the bus, cuz I had just started [[inaudible]] I'm was talking about [[inaudible]].

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
That's alright.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
That's okay.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I got on the bus once and I had, I had been, that was quite a few years.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
So I knew about sitting on the bus, so I, whether to care about space back by the regulars as wide as that piano, for blacks to sit.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
There was quite a few blacks riding at that time. So I just went and stood up over the seat cuz I want cause no, emotion, you know.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
So they uh, the bus driver came, looked like he was really disgusted. He came and got the sign, and pulled it up over half way so that people could sit down. Which was really nice.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I said, well, after all I did do something good. You know, cuz they had just a little corner, about big as that pen.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
For the blacks to sit.

Transcription Notes:
Need assistance on Marella's audio from [00:08:33] to [00:08:58]