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Transcription: [[Loud background noises and talking can be heard throughout the tape]]
--the great grandparents came from [[Loud noise]] Africa.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
The great-- Okay, the great grandparents come from Africa.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Cause my grandparents were born here, in Alabama, and I think-- I think some of them--
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
My grandmother I believe was born in Mississippi. But my grandaddy came from Africa;
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
a small little boy, very small boy.
[[telephone rings]]
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
You were saying before that, as I was asking you how often you came into town,
You said that your grandmother was very thrifty.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Yeah, she would come maybe Wednesday's and Saturday's.
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Uh hmn.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
That was twice.
[[Cross Talk]]
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Did she come to sell milk? Or to shop? Or--
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
She come to sell and also she would pick up something.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
When you sell your product or whatever; vegetables, eggs and probably chickens.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
See back then, we could-- you could take a lot of live chicken, and
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
believe it or not, the better white people usually got 'em before we got downtown.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
I can remember. Oh, Lord, 28-- 1928, I think. The first year that I raised 'em and stuff and had chickens and stuff.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
And the white people would buy them before we got downtown with 'em.
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
So that you went-- you did continue on downtown? Did you go to the movies then, or did you make a special trip to the movies?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
No. When we come into town, and then in that particular time, if we wanted to, we could got to the theaters. They had theaters.
[[Background talking]]
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
1928 or '9. I guess they had them earlier, but I didn't go to 'em
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
till then cause, I don't know, I didn't go out as early as the other children.
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
The boys went to a lot of things I didn't go to,
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
and I didn't worry 'bout goin'. [[Laughs]]
{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
And then you said you moved to Atlanta?
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Transcription Notes:
There are a lot of mistakes in this transcription. Somehow a timestamp of [00:16:52] was put right at the top. How?
Don't put a space between the dialogue and the timestamp.
These interviewers are Louise and Pearl.