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Office Sub. Com'nr BRF & A.L.
Dist of Corinth Miss
March 25th 1867.

No 1
Preston A.W Bvt Major A.A. Gen'l
BRF & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to report that I have arrived at my station and entered upon my dutey as Sub Asst Com'nr for the Sub District of Corinth Miss by virtue of Special Order No 16 Dated Hd Qurs Dist of Mississippi Vicksburg Miss March 21st 1867.

Your Obet Servant
John D Moore 1st Lieut
V.R.C. Asst. Sub. Com'nr

No 2
Office Bu. RF & A.L.
Sub Dist of Corinth Miss
March 27th 1867.

Preston A.W Bvt Maj AA Gen'l
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss.

I have the honor to report that Co. F 34th Reg. and a small detachment of the 5th U.S. Cav are on duty at this station. Bvt Lt Col. A.Wills Q.M. U.S.A. informs me this force is amply sufficient for the protection of the Bureau as well as for the means of transportation and store under his charge

your obet Servant
John D Moore 1st Lt V.R.C. Sub Asst Com'nr