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Thursday March 4, 1875. The storm had cleared this morning and I walked up 6th Avenue to 34th St. The snow was melting. On my way down made some purchases and when I got back to my studio found Sara here to meet Mrs. Pychouska, Edith Durey & May Gifford who soon came. I had a bottle of Rhine wine for them and a little bouquet of violets. After a nice visit during which I showed them all my pictures they went back to Hoboken May Gifford and Sara going with them to pass the night. Painted on the two little pictures I sold Moore. Mr. Hedian called and looked at my pictures. He is coming in again soon he told me. I think he would have bought a small autumn picture if I had had one. He asked the price of my large one and I named $1500. Dined with Gifford, Hull, Fitch Terry & Lawrence at the Arlington and from there went to the club where I read and looked over the art journals and wrote a letter to Gertrude.

Friday 5. Eastman came in while I was at breakfast and wanted me to come up to his studio if I could some time during the day to see a portrait he had been painting. I was waiting for Moore to come to pay me for the two little pictures, which he did shortly after. Two men from the Cincinnati Exposition called while he was here. He paid me for the pictures and took them away telling me he was greatly obliged to me for letting him have them. He is so humble that he quite gets the better of me. After they had gone I went up to Eastmans. I liked his portrait very much. He showed me a head of one of his servant girls which I did not like as to character and I said so. It was well painted but it didn't interest me. I asked to look at the head of my father which he painted last winter and was surprised to see how fine it was and such a good likeness. It was snowing when I returned. Shortly after Girard came in and presently Pinchot. Bayard Taylor had told him about my pictures and he was very anxious to see them. Pinchot is a good fellow and a good friend of mine but he is like most mortals influenced by what he hears other people say, what he repeats. I think he would have bought my "Solitaire" if I had at all tried to influence him. He seemed to like it very much. But he has a number of my pictures and really has no place to put what he has. He made a long visit and I enjoyed it. Mrs. Holt called with Mr Holt's sister=in=law to ask Gertrude and me to dinner there next Wednesday I am to let her know on Monday if we can accept.

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