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together and have so quiet and at the same so enjoyable a time. Last night was the monthly meet ing at the Century. Dr. Henry Draper was among the candidates voted for. Just before the ballot Dr. John C. Draper came to me and asked me to vote against him, his own brother and a determined effort was made to defeat him. He failed on the first ballot but a reconsideration was moved and he was elected. Sent my Academy contribution "Dark Days" to the club. It attracted considerable notice and I had many compliments regarding it from the artists. I have not sold a picture in a long time and no one comes here. I begin to be troubled occasionally as I see the end of my money but try to keep up courage in the hope that some one will come along when I least expect it. I saw in talking with Armstrong last evening that he thought I sold a great many picture I think that is the general impression. Have had a model free days this week to paint a figure in the woods. Yesterday when I had it very pretty found I had the head too small and had to paint it out.- Col. Warny and his wife called. He is very fond of England and we talked of going there to live. He hopes to be able to do it eventually. George Hall called and told us all about the Academy exhibition He and Wood have just finished hanging the pictures Thinks it one of the best exhibitions we have ever had. John Weir spent an hour with us and told us about his brother Julian who is studying art in Paris. We both lamented that in our younger days we could not have had his advantages. Took a long walk down to the Battery and along South Street among the shipping. The ice was drifting down the river but the grass in the Battery was beginning to assume a faint tinge of green.  Avery and his wife spent the evening with us and Sara and Mary came over while they were here. Sara had a scheme to submit to me in which I could not agree with her. I walked over home with them. 

Tuesday Apl. 6. Varnishing day at the Academy where have spent the whole day. After the Council meeting last night we all went up into the galleries which were lighted up for us and which had been previously turned over to us by the hangings committee. Was most favorably impressed with the collection which is one of a high average, all the really bad pictures having been sent back. The impression is confirmed by a more careful examination today I think it decidedly the best exhibition we have ever had. My pictures are hung as follows. Saturday Afternoon and the Geneiva [[Geneva?]]in the North Room, Paestum in the corridor near 

Transcription Notes:
. Reopened to remove returns at end of lines and make hyphenated words whole per SI instructions.