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her and to start tomorrow or until they get further advice. It was merely accidental that we saw this painted on my picture today changing the sky. Sent Mr. Lecor his sketch. Went to Vauxs and spent the evening. He went to Boston to attend the centennial at Concord. 

[[stamp]] 15 [[/stamp]]

Sunday Apl. 18" 1875. Attended Mr. Frothinghams church at Masonic Hall this morning. Subject - conflict between Religion and Science. Held there could be no conflict, but that the conflict was between Theology & Science. A mans religion is his own. Cant be held responsible if he refers Parker to Isaiah. I agree. I like many things better than Isaiah. Thinks the mention of the name of God in the Constitution wont purify politics, restrain dishonest regulation &c. A sermon full of sound sense. Met Lily Taylor and Mrs. Lambrou (Taylor's sister) there. Told me Taylor got home last night. Walked over to Vauxs with my Mother and Bouyer and dined there after which went up to Taylors and staid to ten. Had a nice talk with Taylor on being true to Art and on true Artists finding their society in each other. After ten went back to Mary's again but came home shortly to write to Gertrude to tell her all about Lucys delay. Am a good deal troubled about her affairs.

Regarding Churchs picture, Mary told me today she had seen a letter from Church to Calvert in which he said he was going to have a picture at Gonpils. I expected it. He has expressed himself very unmistakably regarding the action of the council of the Academy in excluding pictures shown at clubs. He has said very emphatically "it is a very narrow policy." He is an academician. He does nothing for the Academy but criticise it. Wont accept any office, wont exhibit his pictures but each year while the Academy exhibition is going on brings out a picture at Gonpils. I wonder what [[?]] he would call that. I am getting pretty sick of this sort of thing and hope he wont present me with an opportunity to say what I think of it.

Monday 21. Had a most unpleasant discussion over Giffords matter on Monday night in the Council. Remained there until after 12 o'clock and could not come to a conclusion. Dined with I. Q. A. Ward last evening at the Union League Club with Whittredge & Eastman Johnson to meet a Mr. Tuttle an artist just come from Paris where he has been studying with Duran. This morning have been down town with Lucy to see about her journey. At the Union Pacific Office they had a telegram from the Passenger superintendent advising passengers not to leave New York until the end of the week as there is a great crowd and confusion at the break. Lucy has decided to go back home and return here on Saturday so as to leave friday night and I received a telegram from Mr. McMinn saying he would wait until she arrived.

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