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and Genl Grant was to have been there. There was such a crowd we could not see the ceremony and after it was over crowded in and spoke a moment with the bride and groom when we came away regardless of the wedding breakfast. Called at the DeForests this evening. Downing is staying with me as they have dismantled the house in 15" St and tomorrow they are all going up to their house on the Palisades. Wrote to Gertrude.

Friday Apl. 30, 1875. Sam Cuykendall sent me a check for his picture yesterday and today I have been running about paying some bills and making some purchases. This afternoon Mr. Van Valkenburgh and Mr. Borden who bought my picture in the Academy came in. Mr. Borden bought my little picture of "Murano" for $300 without the frame. What most pleased me is his satisfaction at having purchased my Academy picture. He says he grows more and more attached to it the more he sees it. He liked the picture I am at work upon and strongly urged Mr. Van Valkenburgh to buy it. I think he may do so although I dont think he is at all taken with it. Called on Mr & Mrs Weeks - am to drive there next Tuesday. Found Vaux here when I got back just come from the Kaatskill pretty well tired out and perplexed with troubles of moving.

Tuesday May 4" 1875. Went home on Saturday. Took Alice along Sunday a gale from N.W. and very little indication of Spring. Found a few Hepatiens and Maurice brought in a bit of Arbutus. Fred Withers came up Monday and took measurements for altering the roof of the house so that I can get a studio. We came down by Wallkill Valley in the afternoon and reached here at 8. Attended the Council meeting but no business of importance was done. Today had a headache. Was to have dined at Frank Weeks but sent an apology. Sat with my feet in hot water all afternoon but about 4 o''=clock sent for a half bottle of champagne which I drank and in less than half an hour has cured so that I had my dinner and went to Wallachs in the evening to see the "Road to Ruin" which seems to me a dull play. Alice goes home tomorrow. Lucy must have reached San Francisco last night if she had no bad luck.

Wednesday 5. Went up to Beeks factory and bought paper for the studio and dining room at my house and for our bedroom and dining room at my fathers and of course spent twice as much money as I intended to. A young man from Boston called and wanted to buy a small November picture 

Transcription Notes:
. first syllable united with beginning of name on previous page last word on page completed with first syllable of next page