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Girl" to sell on commission He to frame it at an expense of about $20 but I am not to pay for the frame unless I wish to. He is to sell the picture for $300 netting me $250 above frame and Commission. I have repainted the "Wilderness" for him which he bought at auction for $200. He is to send me the Gazette des Beaux Arts and the Portfolio for a year for what I did. Mr. Van Valkenburgh called to see me a day or two ago and said he wanted to bring a Mr. Harris here. They had been here but I was out. I think Van Valkenburgh would buy my picture if he knew enough but he is timid and wants me to assure him. Have had a pretty anxious and exciting day today. A succession of callers all day. My father came in very unexpectedly. Has some money to pay and came to me to help him. Fortunately I could do it by deranging my own plans but it has discouraged and saddened me to see my father worried in his old age by money troubles. If I could only sell my pictures how much I could do to make his old age comfortable. He brought discouraging accounts from Maurice. That is the bitterest trouble. Frank Weeks called about five o'clock and as I had been in all day, when he went I walked with him to get a little exercise and get my thoughts out of my own worries. This evening I called on Mrs. Taylor but the servant told me she is ill in bed and has been for three days. Taylor is at Cornell University delivering a course of lectures. Stopped at Eastman Johnsons on my way home. Thompson & wife & child and Hicks and wife sailed for Europe today by the Frisia-

Monday May 31. Gertrude and I went up to Vaux's on the Palisades by appointment via Northern R.R. Downing met us at the station although we got left by our train. Found them getting comfortably settled and happy in the idea of a country life. Sunday we explored the region. It is certainly very striking and there can be no reason why it should not soon be recognized as by far the finest suburb of New York. We called at Nordhoffs who has a very charming place and this morning came home by Yonkers getting here at 9.30 

Thursday June 10" 1875. We left New York to come home for the summer Friday June 4 coming up in the Powell. Maurice who had been in a bad condition for some time had succeeded in getting employed 

Transcription Notes:
. Last word completed with second part on next page.