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day with a fresh feeling in the air and we enjoyed the walk greatly. We carried lines with us and when we came to the Rondout we dug some bait and fished downstream for a mile or more where we could conveniently catching trout enough for our supper. With proper tackle we could have had good sport as the stream was in just the proper condition for fishing. We remained at Griswolds over night and returned next day leaving at 9 walking leisurely down to reach the 4.20 train. Wednesday it rained. Haven left with the 2 o'clock train to go East. It has rained again today and the atmosphere is close and oppressive. I am idle and am consequently discontented and unhappy. Wrote to Major Wilkinson and sent it this morning. Alice Sawyer arrived on Monday from Cooperstown.

Friday Aug 13. 1875. It has rained ever since Tuesday and tonight shows no signs of clearing off. I attended William Goetchens's funeral this morning at the Methodist church He fell from a ladder while painting on Saturday and died on Tuesday. Called over at Joe Tubbys' immediately after breakfast to inquire about his daughter who has been very ill and found that she died at 8 o'clock last night. She was 13 years of age, just growing into a young woman and poor Joe was almost overwhelmed with grief at her loss. These afflictions coming with this dismal weather made me feel sadly, but what then I ask myself must be the desolation of those who have lost their friends. Received a letter from Booth today in which he says he is collecting all his duplicate books of costume to send to me and says when he gets rich he wants me to do what we talked of, paint him in his principal characters for Edwina. He seems to have confidence in my ability to do it. I wish I had. 

Saturday 14. Went to High Falls. My father drove Sara, Alice and me up through Creek Locks & Rosendale. Left Sara and Alice there to stay until Monday and we came home by Lucas' Turnpike. A shower passed to the north of us on our way home.

Sunday 15" Wrote a long letter to Booth and enclosed a private note concerning the picture. Joe Tubbys eldest daughter was buried today at 4' oclock. Gertrude and I attended the funeral. Bellows the Artist called at our house this evening. He came to the Manison House Saturday night by the Penell on his way to Hurley to sketch. I recommended him to George Wynkoops.

Monday 16. Gertrude and I went to High Falls after Sara and Alice. It was a magnificent day with fine clouds 

Transcription Notes:
. Joseph Tubby, artist (1821-1896). Albert Fitch Bellows, was an American landscape painter (1829-1883).