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Saturday Sept. 4. 1875. Went out to Watson Hollow on Monday with the afternoon train and returned today. The week has been very hot and unpleasant  but I have employed nearly all my time making sketches of children. I got nearly a dozen in all which will be very useful to me in my landscapes, and in doing them I have acquired a certain confidence which will help me in sketching them in the future. I shall do more of this hereafter. I had a very comfortable place to stay with very kind people, but it is very lonely in such a place without a companion and when one is not at work the time hangs very heavy. I confess I was very glad to turn my face homeward particularly as I had accomplished what I went for. Found a letter from Lucy and a nice one from Booth, the first one he has written since his accident. Girard came up this evening on the Powell for his vacation. Joe Tomkins came also and Oscar Sawyer.

Sunday Sept. 5. This has been a perfect day, clean and cool and "Septembery" I wrote to Booth and my father and I had a talk with Joe on our affairs

Wednesday 8. Have painted for a day or two on the figure of Lucy I painted last fall more with a view to experimenting than any thing else. Today my father drove me to Saugerties for me to make an affidavit before a Register in Bankruptcy, to the appraisement I made of Booths engravings &c. The weather has been cool and pleasant but very dry. The roads are like beds of ashes. Joe Tompkins left today, after we had a talk over our home affairs. Wrote to Stafford a note to Eastman enclosing Staffords letter and the extract from the Chicago paper and also to the lawyer returning the affidavit I made upon the appraisement of Booths Engraving &c. Worked on the path down the hill after dinner and got very tired.

Thursday 9. Painted all day but with poor result Still this experimental work is valuable. Read another letter from Stafford and another notice of the Exposition which opens to the public today. Yesterday was buyers day and I hope to hear that they made some liberal sales. They seem to have 

Transcription Notes:
There once was a town called Sangertus in New York. NOTE: The town he refers to is "Saugerties" in Ulster County.