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Church didnt care to see them and as we had finished our dinner we were obliged to go out first, which we did and had to  pass near them. As two more friends had joined them I bowed to B. and passed on. Church came down to attend Mr. Blodgetts funeral. After dinner we went up to Frank Weeks' and spent the evening. Monday set to work cleaning and putting my rooms in order. Saw painters &c and got under way. At night attended council of Academy. About 27 pupils in schools. Admitted 13 or 14 more. No teacher but glad of it with nothing to pay them with. The more advanced pupils help the younger. Tuesday woke feeling badly and kept pretty quiet all day. At night had one of my severe headaches. Wednesday rained. Worked at my rooms. Thursday Gifford & I dined at the Wheelers where Mary is staying. Booth had sent me two tickets for Richard 2" and he and I went to see it. Had a seat far back under the Gallery too far away to see or hear well but Booth was as he always great. Pinchot came in Tuesday and bought the two little pictures I brought down with me for a wedding gift, for $300.  Saturday night at the club John Taylor Johnston called me aside and urged me to accept the appointment on the Committee of Selection of the Centennial in place of Gifford who will not serve. I was taken by surprise but finally reluctantly consented in view of so many backing out, and on Saturday I received my appointment. I was gratified to find that several of the artists were much pleased with my appointment. Heard Bayard Taylor lecture at Steinway Hall friday night on Ancient Egypt a most interesting lecture. After, we went to the club for a while. Saturday went home by 4 oclock train. Rained before I got there. Has rained nearly all day today.

[[strikethrough]] Tuesday 16 [[/strikethrough]] Monday 15. Came from home yesterday. Was snowing a little when I left. Brought down all my sketches and am ready now to go to work. Attended the council meeting last night. Offered the too ready admission of pupils on slight drawing. Shall insist on a higher standard. Church called. His wife is in town.

Tuesday 16. Church and his wife spent an hour with me this morning. It has rained all day. After writing more letters went up to the Gilsey House to call on Booth and his wife. Booth was at the rehearsal of Lear and I waited two hours for him.  Mrs Booth would not let me go finally he came and gave me as always a cordial welcome. His elbow is very stiff and I would not be surprised if it would always be so. Mr McVickar Mrs. B's father was there and I had a