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this morning. Met Gifford and Major McKinnon on the train It began to rain shortly after I arrived. In the midst of it Mrs. Fellows and Mrs. Wilson called. Mrs. Wilson has not been in my house for years. She had seen my "Sea from Shore" in the Union League club and wanted to buy that or something. She said at first she wanted it as a surprise to her husband but after consulting me about painting a picture for her finally concluded to ask her husband whether she had better buy the marine or have me paint a new one. I wish she would buy something I have already finished. I doubt if anything will come of it as I have had dealings with Wilson years ago and found him so close that I would not bother with him. She has however always liked my pictures and perhaps she may finally get one.

Sunday Nov. 28. 1875. Painted all day Saturday. Sherwood called. Has not been to see me in a year before. In the evening went to the Century and had a pleasant time Saw Taylor, Bret Hart, Stoddard, McDonough, Gifford and several others. Today wrote on my essay all forenoon and spent the afternoon in Central Park walking. Taylor came in just before dinner and spent a half hour with me. After dinner I called up there. His mother whom I have not seen for ten years is there and looking remarkably well preserved for a woman of 76. Girard came in last evening while I was at dinner. Had not seen him before. Wrote to Gertrude  

Monday 29. Pinchot paid me for the two little pictures I paid Wilmurt $100. Layweh $50. and Bech 30. Went up to Lendrens to find out who owns my Kaatskill Woods with a view of getting it for the Centennial. It belongs to Lecor who wants to sell it for $1200. Painted all day on my picture which is growing. Genl. Seymour called just before dark. He is ordered to Pensacola in command of the port and wants Gertrude and me to go along and spend the winter. He has a large house and has no family beside his wife. Says we shall have men, horses and boats at our command and he will go sketching with me all the time. If I was master of my time I would like to go down there for a month to make some sketches. Went to the Council Meeting. On my recommendation decided to call the Academicians together on Friday night with a view to applying for a separate gallery for 

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