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from Delmonico's. I dont think it was a great success. The matter was as bad as it could be. One of his guests Mrs. Park Godwin drifted up here and called on me.

Thursday Jan. 6" 1876.
Went home on Friday last feeling quite ill and remained there until this morning having been threatened with an illness which I think I escaped by remaining quietly there and under Dr. Sara's care. The weather Saturday and Sunday was something remarkable. Showers drifted along the mountains Sunday and the air was like April rather than January. I enjoyed being at home. The winter is delightful there and every time I go home I renew the present impression of domestic peace in a winter home. Found on my return a letter from Lambdin full of the right sort of feeling in many respects, regarding the Academy.

Sunday, 9. Friday went to work on my Wilson picture in spite of symptoms of a headache but at noon I had to stop and put my feet in hot water where I remained for more than two hours when I sent for a half bottle of champagne which I drank and in less than half an hour was cured and at work. I had previously taken two of the De Chegain pills to no purpose. Last night Johnson, Weir, Gifford and I dined in Giffords room and then went to the Century to the Annual meeting. The whole regular ticket was elected without contest and among them I was elected as a Trustee. Staid there until 2 oclock talking with Taylor, McDonough, 

Transcription Notes:
. last name made whole from next page per instructions. “De Chegain on Headaches” mentioned in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, August 21, 1875 edition, found through Google Books