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My little winter picture has been sold in the Academy for my price $300 Also the "Oer the Sky the leafy deluge Streams" for $1000. And Brown told me last night he had an offer for the "Autumn Idyl" but I declined to abate from my price. He thinks the man will take it. Had a letter from Gertrude last night and have written her today. H. K. Brown & Waugh came to see me this morning.

Sunday Apl 9. 1876. Returned from Philadelphia last night where we have been since Tuesday examining pictures. Pictures were still coming in when we left, and we will probably be obliged to go back again. Were most hospitably treated by the Philadelphians. Mr. Claghorn gave us an elegant dinner at the Union League club on Thursday [[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]] evening, and on Friday carriages were sent to take us to an elaborate lunch at Mr. Bements and afterwards to visit several private Galleries, Mr Claghorn, Mr. Gibson Mr. Whitney & Mr Bones at the latter place were way really fine pictures. At Mr. Gibsons a fine example of couture but our time was too limited to examine them carefully. Saturday we finished up and visited hastily the centennial buildings and came home at 5.30. Found letters from my wife Church & Booth. Went to the Century where Huntington soon came. Had a talk with Whittredge and John Taylor Johnston. They stuck by our committee and if Bierstadt gets ahead of us he will be pretty smart. I wrote to Church today but before I sent the letter I showed it to Huntington who approved of it and said he would stand by me. I told Church we wanted his pictures, there was still time but on no conditions would any pictures go into the Art Gallery without the approval of our committee. Went up to Eastmans who had been with us in Philadelphia. Funny time. Cook taken sick and Eastmans fear she was going to die on his hands. Drunk I thought. I always find a catastrophe awaiting me at Eastmans and their housekeeping has passed into the fund of amusement I rely on in this life. He passed out a little whiskey to 

Transcription Notes:
first syllable connected to beginning of word on prevouis page. cant make out all the names of folks in Philadelphia