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can do him no credit with intelligent people. We will probably have to go on once more. Whittredge and Sartain are by the ears and quarrel all the time and it seemed to me were doing no work. Brown staid with me last night and went home this morning.

Thursday May 4. 1876. Walked up Fifth Avenue to see the "Pelham Coach" owned and driven by Delancy Kane start. Was near the Park when it rushed by with its splendid horses, its load of gay ladies and gentlemen on top and the guard blowing his horn. It was a very inspiriting sight for all seemed to be having a good time. Afterwards went to the menagerie and the Museum of Natural History in the Park. When I got home after noon found a telegram from Weir asking me to come up by the 3 oclock train which I did. Went to a meeting of their club of college professors &c at Mr. Farnams where we had a nice supper and afterwards an interesting talk from Yung Wing the Chinese Ambassador on the persecution of the Chinese in California. Yung Wing graduated from Yale in 1854 and seemed a bright intelligent man and spoke English perfectly.

Friday 5. Weir and I rode out and called on Donald G. Mitchell at his "Farm at Edgewood" Spent a pleasant half hour with him and came back to lunch and at 3 I took the train home. In the evening dined at Frank Weeks' in Company with Littell and his wife.

Saturday 6. Gertrude is coming home today after an absence of six weeks and I count the hours until she comes. It seems an age since we parted and I don't like to be separated so long. Eastman called just after breakfast and I walked up home with him. Hannah told me that Maurice was here yesterday while I was away but that he went home in the afternoon

Sunday 7. There was an explosion of a magazine of giant powder over at the New Bergen tunnel last night and Vaux and I went over to see the effects of it. The windows of all the houses in the region were broken but there was 

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