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for the report. Mr. Huntington replied to the letter I wrote a few days ago on learning that the Centennial authorities had hung pictures which our committee had rejected, notably one of Bierstadts (for which I voted) and Moores AlmeƩ. I advised him to write to the Director General and ask him if this is done by authority and if so then our committee should make the strongest possible protest.- We were invited to the presentation of the Regent vase on Monday evening. I began to paint the dining room today and am now in the midst of my work.

Saturday June 24. 1876. Wednesday evening after we had all worked hard all day we went over to John McEntees to a little party. Thursday evening we had a little social gathering here. Dwight came from school to go home with his mother. They left for New York Friday. Gussie felt very badly at parting as we all did. She has been from home nearly five months. Last night we went down to Uncle Charles' to a social gathering. Sara went to the Centennial yesterday morning by the Powell. While I was painting the hall yesterday Jas. Smillie called. I dressed myself and took a short walk with him. He left by the evening boat. We have the Dining room all finished and in order and it is very pretty and entirely satisfactory.

Sunday 25. Received a long letter from Weir last night. He finds among the Judges at the Centennial intriguing and selfishness and the embodiment of it is George Ward Nichols who in imprudence has the reputation of excelling all competitors. I wrote Weir today giving him some account of the villainies which have been perpetrated in the Art department and the insult to the Committee of Selection