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of the dead condition of the schools. I as decidedly announced that I should steadily vote against incurring any debt even for schools. I foresee wrangling and trouble as soon as Perry arrives and expect my winter to be spoiled in strife in the council. I shall try to keep from getting excited as I have enough private anxieties. I fret badly to leave home and would not have come today had I not expected to see Alfred Booth before he sails. Found his card here. He called on Sunday and would try to come again today but do not know whether he did. Found Oscar Sawyers card. Wrote to Gertrude as I promised to. Boyer never arrived at Rondout and will come down Wednesday. He was enjoying his visit and I only wish I had felt happy and could stay to take some walks with him.

Thursday Oct. 17 1876. Called at the Coleman House to see Oscar Sawyer. He had gone out. Went down to Hicks studio but he was not there. Met him on my way back. Had been to my room and went back with me. Approved of my form of protest and says he will sign it. Is going to Scranton tomorrow to be gone until Nov. 1 but authorized me to sign his name to whatever I considered proper. Have to see Huntington now. If he objects will let the whole thing drop. Mrs. Holt who used to be a pupil of mine years ago called. Is going to sail for Germany tomorrow. She is a most tedious woman. Have been at work designing a picture but I feel too disturbed to work to advantage. Heard Gifford up in his room and called to see him. Found Mrs. Caufield there. Gifford is going back to Hudson tomorrow because he says he doesn't know what to do here. He seems unhappy too. Church came to see me. Got talking about Knoedler. Read him my letter to him and his reply when he told me he too had written to the same effect a year or more ago and was glad I wrote. Invited me to go up to Knowles with him so that he could introduce me to his son, which I did. He seems 

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