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he prefers that I put in as background a November landscape, that there is no room for a moonlight scene which is only stage tradition and for stage effect. Had my dinner alone and afterwards went up to Taylors. He was at home not occupied, and was delighted to see me. I stayed until half past 9 having a nice talk when I came home and wrote to Gertrude.

Monday Nov. 27. 1876. Snowed and rained. Attended the Council meeting but no business of importance was done. The Academy's share of the centennial Civic Exhibition will be about $22.600

Tuesday 28. Mrs. Pychurska & her daughter called with a Mr. Dodd who means to buy one of my pictures. Unfortunately I had an appointment with Booth and he came while they were here. He is coming again however. Booth sat to me and I completed the head which I and he both think is greatly improved. He is very much pleased and I feel better I painted in the hands but did not get the left one very good. Am going home tomorrow morning to stay until Monday. He wants me to take the picture up to show Gertrude.

Monday Dec. 4. 1876. I went home last Wednesday morning and returned today with Downing who with Fred Stedman came up on Wednesday evening. I left home with regret, the country to me in my present state of mind is so soothing and restful. There are many anxieties at home but after all I turn there for comfort. The winter began in the first of December the weather being very cold but it has moderated now. I always feel lonely and homesick when