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succeeded pretty well with it and had it pretty nearly done when Booth came and gave me a sitting of an hour or more but I did not get on very well. The light was not very good. I hope next time to make it better, I am going home tomorrow and that is what I look forward to all the week. My October Snow went to Newark to an exhibition of American pictures. Mary & Calvert went to Fishkill and I had my dinner alone. I painted on the Hamlet all the evening using a photograph and I think I have improved it. Wrote to Alice Sawyer.

Monday Dec. 11. 1876. Went up here Saturday by the 11 o'clock train. It was a bitter day the wind blowing a gale from the N.W. Very cold Saturday & Sunday. Mr. Wilsons funeral Sunday, Father in law of Edgar Newkirk who shot himself accidentally. I decided to return this morning foreseeing all the loneliness and unhappiness to which I would return. Very cold weather and snowing a little. Mr. & Mrs. Platt who went up on Saturday returned on same train. Very depressed and lonely after I got back here. Found a note from Mr. Sewall to whom I had written about the Vanderlyn engravings saying he would come tonight. I regretted this as it is council night and important business comes before us. He came however and I had to omit the Council. Had previously told Wood that I would be detained and begged him not to have a vote taken if he could help it. As my father drove me down to the ferry stopped to inquire about Uncle Charles. Julia & Lily came to the door with sad faces saying he was much worse and that he was unconscious of their presence and begging me to telegraph to Annie as I did. I called at her house on my arrival here and learned that she had got my telegram and had just started for Rondout. My heart is full of sadness. Poor Uncle Charles I fear is going to die and I expect to be summoned up home any moment. I am troubled more than I can express and can