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notes coming due and told him that I was ready to meet our taxes and interest which was a great relief to him. The weather has been cold and wintry and today as the ferry boat came over towed by a propeller a horse and sleigh carved on the ice above us. My father, Sara, Gertrude and I took a ride yesterday out on the Flatbush road and back by the Saugerties road. It was very cold but the winter landscape was lovely and tender and we all enjoyed it greatly. I wish it were so that I could spend my winters at home. I long to be there and am unhappy any where else. I was sorry to leave Gertrude who has rather a dull time there and looks forward to my coming as eagerly as I do to going home. It was snowing when I left but melting when I reached here. I felt forlorn enough to come back to my lonesome studio and instead of dining here alone went out with Hall and Gifford to Phillips. After dinner went to see Booth in Richard III. The house was not one third full but he acted superbly. Went to his dressing room a moment. Received a nice letter from him at home yesterday.

Dec 27, 1876. Went up to Goupils and asked Jerry Knoedler to come to my studio to talk on a matter of business. He made an appointment for tomorrow at 10.30. I mean to try to get him to take my pictures and intend to give him liberal terms if he is inclined to that with me. Booth came and stood for Shylock and I have nearly completed it. He seems very much pleased with it. We had some conversations about the prices for the pictures. I tried to get his ideas but he said he had no idea. I then named $300 as what I had thought of in case that suited him. I think he was a little disappointed and he then told me that the only criteria he had was that Hicks asked $250 for the little Iago I have at home. I told him my only desire was to satisfy him and whatever he felt was just I would be satisfied with and so 

Transcription Notes:
Goupil was an art dealer.